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1943 Waralarm alarm clock

by Westclox


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About the Waralarm

Model:  Waralarm

Made by:   Westclox

Stock No:  VINT1903

Features:  This is a very nice example of the Waralarm.   Because materials were scarce during the war, the case was made of pressed wood fiber.  The movement plates were made of thinner aluminum.  The alarm hammer strikes a plate instead of a bell.  There is no doubt that these clocks were designed to fit a short term need until normal manufacturing was allowed to resume at the close of World War II.  These are collector's clocks, popular with clock collectors as well as collectors of war items.   I would not recommend using these clocks everyday (you could, but it would shorten the life.)

Dimensions:  5 1/4" tall

Condition:  The movement has been serviced and it runs and alarms as it should. This clock is EXCELLENT throughout, showing only minor indications of use.

Date of manufacture:  August, 1943

Place of Manufacture:  LaSalle, Illinois, USA

Warranty:   90 days


Price: $205.00